10 Tricks to Get the Click: How to Write Exceptional PPC Ads

(Image source: WordStream)

PPC is a great way to drive qualified traffic to your site—but not if nobody clicks on your ads. Even worse, a low click-through rate can bog down your Quality Score which will hike up your ad costs.

Soo…what is exceptional ad copy? It’s copy that doesn’t just follow best practices, but also pays attention to the finer details your competitors are missing.

In this guide, I’m sharing 10 tricks for crafting compelling PPC ads that earn high Quality Scores, grab customer attention, and capture clicks—all in the name of more conversions and lower costs.

Table of contents

Part one: The anatomy of a Google text ad

To get to the part where we’re writing our best ad copy, we’ll first go over the fundamentals of Google text ads (which are called Search campaigns). Here are the elements:

  1. URL: Also known as the destination, this is where users will land when they click on your ad.
  1. Display path: This is what appears after the URL, after the slash. It’s called “display” because it doesn’t have to be the actual URL of the page. It’s what gets displayed as a part of the ad and is used to provide more clarity to the user about the destination of the link. More on this in a bit.
  1. Headline: The headline is the large blue text that appears below the URL. This is the most prominent part of your ad and most likely the first (and sometimes only) thing users read. Ads can have two or three headlines, up to 30 characters each.
  1. Description: The description is the body text that appears below the headline and provides more details. These can be up to 90 characters.

Assets: Formerly known as extensions, these are additional elements you can tack onto your ad to give it more appeal. There are sitelinks, phone numbers, images, promotions, and more. Note that they aren’t guaranteed to show with every impression. Learn more in our extensions/assets cheatsheet.

Part two: The 5 responsive search ad copy best practices

Okay, one more housekeeping item because responsive search ads are the only type of search ad you can create (on both Google and Bing), and these guys are shapeshifters, so ad copy can be tricky.

And by shapeshifter, I mean that you can enter a variety of headlines and descriptions, and Google will randomly select different combinations based on the searcher, search query, and other factors.

This means that you need to input headlines that could all work in combinations. This is the tricky part, which is why you should know the best practices for responsive search ad copy. You’ll also find that they tie in nicely with our PPC ad copy tips in the next section.

  1. Embrace multiple headlines. Don’t use the bare minimum. Use at least 8-10 of the 15 headlines, and at least three of the four descriptions available to you.
  1. Keep your headlines distinct. Google will not show similar variations.
  1. Don’t put keywords in every headline. At least three of your headlines should not be keyword-focused—as in, they should be feature, benefit, or CTA instead.
  1. Don’t over-pin. It can be tempting to freeze certain headlines in place, or even all of them, but this limits Google’s ability to test out different combinations and maximize performance.

Vary headline lengths. Don’t use all 30 characters for every headline. This will allow Google to show some ads with two headlines and some with three.

1. Think feature-benefit-feeling

As we just learned above, not every headline needs to include the keyword you’re targeting—some of them should include features and/or benefits. Features and benefits are a staple in any sort of marketing copy, but all too often, we neglect the most important part: emotion.

Why does the user want the benefit to happen? What, ultimately, is the good feeling they are trying to achieve or the bad feeling they’re looking to avoid?

For example, let’s say you are running an ad for public speaking coaching:

  • Feature: One-on-one coaching
  • Benefit: Become a better public speaker
  • Feeling: Confidence

Headline: Speak with Impact & Authority

For the rest of these 10 tricks click below.

👉👉👉 Read Part three: 10 tricks to write exceptional PPC ad copy

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Performance Max import and 6 other new Microsoft product updates

The Q4 holiday rush is in full swing and Microsoft has just unveiled 7 new updates for October.

In addition to the release of Multimedia Ads, Smart Campaigns, and a Multi-platform solution, Microsoft is pulling out all the stops with new tracking templates, markets, and shopping feed improvements.

Let’s take a look.

Performance Max import solution

Microsoft has a built-in solution within Google Import so you can duplicate your Google Performance Max campaigns as Smart Shopping Campaigns and Local Inventory Ads into Microsoft. The table below illustrates how each feature would map within Microsoft.

Microsoft Audience Network

Along with Performance Max and Pinterest Imports, Microsoft is pushing the Audience Network to help ecommerce brands reach more customers.

Intent-based targeting. Now you can extend your shopping feed to customers that have displayed intent or interest in your product. The Audience Network also allows you to reach those customers on websites, in their email, on news sites, and more, through MSN, Outlook, Edge, and other publishing partners.

Feed filtration improvements. If you need to filter your feed for specific products, the new feed filtration improvements let you do just that.

Expanding into new markets

The Microsoft Audience Network. Expanding into 66 new markets this month. Some of those new markets include:

  • The Americas: Aruba, Bahamas, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic (the), Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Guatemala
  • APAC: Bangladesh, Brunei, Fiji, French Polynesia, Guam, Maldives
  • EMEA: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guinea, Iraq, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Libya, Madagascar

Smart Campaigns. Now available in six new markets, including:

  • Ireland
  • Singapore
  • New Zealand
  • Netherlands
  • Italy
  • France
  • Germany

Automated bidding and Dynamic Search Ads. Now available in the Japanese market.

👉👉👉 More Microsoft Ads Updates Here

FEATURED STM THREAD: Scaling To $10 Million Per Month With Google Ads?

We are not created equal… How many times have you heard this already? 🙂 Some affiliates struggle with the very basic concepts of the business, some are having trouble to hit their first profitable campaign, but there are some with COMPLETELY different problems.

Take this STM member going by the nickname “moneym” as an example. He’s facing problems that many would love to have. This Google Ads pro manages profitable campaigns that he believes could scale to whooping $10 Millions per month BUT he is hitting the ceiling at around $800K right now.

What’s the problem? Let’s use his own words here:

I can make way more than $10 million per month but I hit a ceiling of about $800k per month – here are my struggles:

– Unable to delegate a lot of tasks (While I do have a team working for me, I can’t delegate the “good stuff” – don’t trust anyone )

– Can’t clone myself, accounts get banned all the time so in order to replace them I hit the ceiling in terms of revenue and I can never have all campaigns live across all GEOs / Verticals at once. Less than 10% of my campaigns are live at any given time.

So what are the options? Should he try to hire? Partner with some family members maybe? Or something completely different? Check the thread to see what his struggles really are and what advice the community came up with, link below:

👉👉👉 Read More