đź’”Apple Cripples 80 Billion Dollar Ad Industry

As shocking as Apple’s WWDC news were – from being able to text your car keys to somebody else to real-time offline translations with Siri – all pale in comparison with this.

After announcing iOS14, the new mobile operating system for iPhones and iPads, Apple forgot to announce the death of the IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers).

“Apple rendered the Identifier for Advertisers basically useless without actually killing it.”

Don’t worry, tracking will still be around, albeit crippled.

More on that below.

The IDFA was a feature buried deep within iOS settings – although increasingly people were finding it and turning it off – it is now an explicit opt-in for every app.

No one would ever say “yes” to be being tracked.

While this is a huge move for user privacy, it is a massive blow for the advertising industry with an estimated $80 billion mobile app install ad spend just for 2020 alone (notwithstanding the COVID situation and the surge seen across the gaming industry.

Tracking would still be available, thanks to Apple’s latest SKAdNetwork – a privacy-safe network for mobile attribution.

“SKAdNetwork promises to allow advertisers to know which ads resulted in desired actions without revealing which specific devices — or which specific people — took those desired actions.”

>> Be sure to read the full piece, it’s chock-full of details. It’s not the end of the world. <<

[SPONSORED] One Trick to Finding Profitable Campaigns

Ever wonder why so many affiliates never reach consistent profits?

To hit on a winning campaign, you need to test 4 things:

Offers, Ads, Landing Pages, and Traffic Sources.

Test enough combinations and you’ll find winners.

Sounds simple – until you look at the math.

Example: 4 Offers x 10 Ads x 5 Landing Pages = 200 combinations to test

(And this is assuming the traffic is decent.)

The scary thing? Even if you test all 200 combinations, you may not find a winner.

Pro affiliates take a different approach: They do research to narrow things down first.

And many of them rely on one particular data intelligence tool.

Top affiliates use this tool to cherry-pick the most-recent campaigns, that have been receiving lots of traffic over at least a few days…

Which means they have a good chance of being winners.

Then the pros would test, tweak and optimize based on these campaigns.

This way, there are WAY fewer combinations to test, and the success rate is MUCH higher.

The tool is Adplexity, and here’s why it’s the best:

  • Shows you entire campaigns: Ads, offers (& affiliate networks), landing pages, traffic sources, placements, etc.
  • Tons of great reviews from users (google to find).
  • The biggest and most-accurate database of campaigns, bar none.
  • Intuitive user interface, easy to use.
  • Covers: Native, Push, Pop, Display, Adult, and In-App traffic.
  • Covers many traffic networks: AdCash, Taboola, PropellerAds, Exoclick + dozens more.

The Good News: Adplexity is offering a 30% LIFETIME discount to our subscribers.


Think: How difficult it would be to compete with affiliates that ARE using Adplexity, when you’re not.

You can’t afford NOT to get this tool.

Weekly Picks

YOU KEEN? – Google Has Released a New, Pinterest-Style App called ‘Keen’ — Read more

TAGS! – Instagram Tests Shopping Tags in Post Captions — Read more

GOT SKILLS? – How Skills Learned During Lockdown Will Strengthen The Businesses Of These Entrepreneurs — Read more

TIKKITY-TOKKITY – How to Leverage TikTok to Promote Business — Read more

SHOWERTHOUGHTS – “The implication of a hotdog being purĂ©ed meat in animal casing (intestine) is that a hotdog doesn’t stop being a hotdog even after we eat it. By that conclusion, we, as the hotdog’s casing, become hotdogs ourselves when we eat hotdogs.” / u/applepie1000
Source: Reddit

CXL’s Product Positioning w/ Examples 

What’s positioning?

April Dunford, author of Obviously Awesome, describes positioning as “context setting.”

“When customers encounter a product they have never seen before, they will look for contextual clues to help them figure out what it is, who it’s for, and why they should care. Taken together, the messaging, pricing, features, branding, partners, and customers create context and set the scene for the product.”

Or, in affiliate terms, an angle.

Here are 5 signs signalling your positioning could be improved.

1. You aren’t considered the preferred brand.
2. Your team struggles to express your value.
3. You try to appeal to everyone.
4. You think you’re the sole source of company info.
5. You aren’t actively refining your positioning.

And here’s how you can address weaknesses via an effective positioning process.

  1. Go beyond features and benefits by telling a story.
    2. Identify and learn from your best customers.
    3. Establish a clear value proposition.
    4. Communicate a simple promise.
    5. Make positioning a team effort
    6. Change the conversation 

>> Be sure to check out the full piece – it expands on all the points above in great detail, thanks CXL! Now go craft your best angles! <<

FEATURED STM THREAD: PUSH Traffic Activity Level Is More Important Than You Think!

Traffic networks offer all kinds of targeting and optimization options, to make it easier for us to optimize campaigns. These options depend on the traffic type, some of them are not only available for the PUSH format… such as “activity level”.

This feature segments the users based on how likely they are to engage with your push ads… higher activity means a higher chance of click and vice-versa. The theory would be, that the more engaged users are more prone to converting, that’s why higher activity traffic costs more too.

But, what we didn’t think much about, was how much the activity level impacts the bottom line for the actual offer owner. To put it simple, the higher activity users result in MUCH higher revenue on the back end… which could result in a nice payout bump.

Anyways, all the details are in a thread started by one of our members, link below… including the % difference between the specific levels. Enjoy 🙂

>> Preview the thread here <<

Stay tuned for the next edition of MRKTRS WKLY.

Want to offer some feedback or submit content? Email us at [email protected]