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[AUDIO] Scaling to $100 Million in 2 Years – Native Deodorant 🎧

Learn how Moiz Ali scaled Native Deodorant to $100 million in 2 years!

The business launched in 2015 with a pretty mediocre product – trying to figure out if people are willing to pay a higher price for aluminum-free deodorant.

Turns out people were happily willing to pay the premium.

Moiz and his team spent the first year iterating their product until good reviews started pouring in.

After launching their new formula in 2016 their reorder rate went from 20 to 50 percent. 90% of that thanks to the new formula.

Two years post launch Native Deodorant hit nearly 1 million in profit per month, and Moiz Ali decided to sell the company to Procter & Gamble.

> Go read (or listen to) the full story right here <<


[SPONSORED] Never Optimize Your Campaigns Again!

What if I told you that you never have to optimize your campaigns again?

Be done with all the tweaking but still get enough conversions to call yourself a proud affiliate?

Too compelling to be true?

Yet, it is true.

Please, welcome CPA Goal:

  • an AI-driven
  • fully-automated
  • cost-effective

…campaign optimization algorithm by PropellerAds.

— And who’re you again?

We’re PropellerAds, #1 traffic source for advertisers and affiliate marketers. People come to us to launch campaigns all over the world so we know the drill.

— And what’s the drill?

So, we have this smart pricing model, CPA Goal. It works for OnClick popunders and now also on push notifications — ta-daaa!

It’s so smart that it only needs your desired conversion price to optimize the heck out of a campaign.

In short, it analyzes how well your campaign converts on certain shares of traffic and buys out those that perform best.

— How is that beyond human capacity? I can do the same by pumping the bid!

Yes, you can. But then you’d be wasting money. If some clicks cost $0,05, why pay $1 for them?

CPA Goal changes the bid dynamically. As a result, you get the most conversions at the most reasonable price.

— Fine, sold! Let’s talk details.

CPA Goal works best on simple offers with a short conversion flow.

That means, it might get confused if, to convert, the user needs to register, provide their credit card info, buy life insurance and submit a recent drug test.

So, try these:

  • App Installs
  • Single Opt-In registrations (SOI)

In this case, your hottest verticals would be:

  • Finance
  • Sweepstakes
  • iGaming
  • Utilities

So, how about you never do manual optimization again?

Weekly Picks

CONTACT TRACING – Apple and Google Reached an Important Milestone in Contact-Tracing Tech 🛣️ — Read more

– 3 Important Lessons From Airbnb’s Pandemic Pivot ↪️ — Read more

BOOKS! – The Only Four Books Bill Gates Has Rated Five Stars ⭐ — Read more

IG LIVE – How to Use Instagram Live for E-Commerce Sales 📸 — Read more

 – “There is a certain point in everyone’s life where “How high can you count?” changes from a matter of knowledge to a matter of will.” / u/marycartlizer
Source: Reddit


Political Advertising Spend Hits Record $6.7 Billion

Direct quote:

Political advertising spending has already hit a record $6.7 billion, according to estimates from Advertising Analytics, with just a few weeks to go before Election Day.

A vast percentage of that spending has gone to local TV stations and local cable — $4.1 billion for local broadcast stations and $1 billion to local cable TV platforms.

The highly watched Presidential race has seen more than double the spending versus 2016 — at $2.63 billion compared to $855 million.

Spending on Senate races is at $1.67 billion versus $989 million in the previous cycle. The House races are slightly lower — at $950 million versus $1.03 billion.

Digital spending has an 18% share of total political advertising spend — at $1.2 billion.

Advertising Analytics says 73% of digital spending consists of direct-response advertising for fund-raising and list-building — compared to 23% of spending for TV-like “persuasion” ads.

> Original piece here <<


FEATURED STM THREAD: What’s was going on STM this week?

Usually, we would link you to an interesting thread on STM that we believe is worth your time. But let’s do it in a different way for once. Instead of one thread, we will mention 5 of the most active ones with the most views this week. So let’s start!

1. Jaybot’s Follow Along: One of the biggest and longest threads we ever had on STM is still running strong. This week’s update? Jaybot is veeeery close to reaching $XXXX in profit per day. Link:

2. Offshore’s Native Follow Along: This thread is quickly becoming a favorite of many. Offshore summed up his first month of running native traffic and while pretty much everyone bleeds heavily in their first “native month”, this guy is already at the break even point. Link:

3. Ayoupianist’s Success Story: This is a thread from March that popped up in the top stats again. Ayoupianist announced his first $1000 per profit day in this one. And since the new affiliates always look for motivation, someone bumped it again. Good read for sure. Link:

4. Amy’s 40-Day Tutorial: Arguable the most popular guide on the forum, Amy’s 40 day tutorial regularly pops up in the top stats. And this week was no different as a new member posted a reply and further increased the number of views… now close to 25000 views. Link:

5. Clewis’s Follow Along: Yet another follow along thread in the top stats this week 🙂 Clewis started by following Amy’s 40-day tutorial and obviously, he had many questions since day one. And as always, the community was more than happy to help out. The thread is 50 replies long now and counting. Link:

These are the 5 most active threads this week, but there are so many more on the forum. Check them out now and become a better affiliate!

Stay tuned for the next edition of MRKTRS WKLY.

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