🛍️ Google’s New ‘Shoploop’ Video Shopping Platform Now Live

Shoploop is a new video shopping platform for finding, checking out and buying products – all in one.

Why did it launch?

1. Because it’s a direct competitor for TikTok and Instagram’s shopping options – both in super high demand.

2. Because of Google’s Area 120 – an in-house lab for experimental projects. One employee saw a young commuter swap between a social media app, Youtube and an online shop – that’s how Shoploop was born.

What’s it for?

Primarily skincare, makeup and nail care stuff.

All Shoploop videos are meant to be interactive and fun – and under 90 seconds.

Examples below:

Try at-home nail stickers
Revive your second-day hair
Get a concealer that gives full coverage

Like this gif:

In a nutshell, you get to experience products by trustworthy, experienced reviewers without having to go to a store…by…you know, walking there. 

>> Check out Google’s full blog post announcement here for all the juicy details. And perhaps get those creative juices going and make your own makeup product/brand? <<

[SPONSORED] How to Bank from the Most-Untapped Geos

Tired of fighting over US traffic with a pack of other affiliates?

What if I told you there are geos you’ve been ignoring, that have:

-Low competition and saturation

-High conversion rates and offer payouts

I’m talking about Arabic geos.  (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, plus 20+ more.)


What makes them lucrative?

-600 million online users

-Exploding revenues!  Forbes:  Revenues reached $24 billion in 2020, to reach $60 billion in 2025

-Highly-educated users with huge disposable incomes


Why isn’t this goldmine saturated?

Because the big networks don’t speak Arabic or understand local consumer needs, there simply weren’t affiliate offers in this market.

That is, until we came along.

Hi!  We’re ArabClicks.  We will help you capitalize on this massive opportunity.


Why you should choose us:

-We are the same entrepreneurs who fueled the staggering market growth mentioned above – plus a team of 7-figure affiliates.  So we know how to help you succeed!

-As savvy local entrepreneurs, we know which verticals are hot, and how to create the best-converting offers!

-We have many offers for all Arab geos.  $332 AOV and 8% CR is REAL!

-Lots of training materials to help you market to this demo (check out our academy)

-Bonus rewards for high-performing affiliates


The Arab market has grown so fast, and very few affiliates are aware of the potential, so competition is still low.

Plus – because Arabs haven’t been hounded by ads, they are very responsive, resulting in high conversion rates.

Get in on this opportunity before other affiliates jump in – add us on skype (skype ID:  live:accounts_26213)  and we’ll get you set up!

Weekly Picks

SEARCH – Google Search Upgrades Make It Harder for Websites to Win Traffic 🔎  — Read more

BRANDS – Adweek’s Women Trailblazers Talk Inspiration, Career Milestones and Future Victories 👩 — Read more

SOCIAL – 5 Ways Brands Can Use Social Media to Survive the COVID-19 Mayhem: Karishhma Mago 🚁— Read more

PRODUCTIVITY – 14 Small Productivity Principles You Can Start Practicing Today  — Read more

💵 Major Twitter Hack Makes Bitcoin Scammers $120,000

In one of the greatest breaches Twitter has ever seen, accounts of major companies and individuals were compromised this Wednesday.

President Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Kanye West, Michael Bloomberg, and Apple and others tweeted the Bitcoin scam.

Trump’s twitter is safe, though, because it has “special protections in place” due to past incidents.

The scammers made nearly $120,000.

Multiple law enforcement investigations are underway – including the FBI.

“the exploited vulnerability in Twitter’s systems — a result it seems of mid-level employees having powerful access to site-wide admin tools that can fall into the wrong hands — has exposed serious security risks for the platform’s most powerful users.

“No password information was stolen by the hackers” – Twitter confirms.

>> Go check the full piece here for complete details around the attack <<

FEATURED STM THREAD: The $1 Guide … Is It Still Relevant In 2020?

One of the best things about the STM Forum are the numerous guides we have prepared for anyone trying to start in Affiliate Marketing. There are guides on POPs, PUSH, Facebook, Adult … you name it. 

Trying to determine which one is the best or most popular would be a waste of time, but there is one that stands out a bit. It’s the $1 guide, written by Amy (vortex). The cool thing about it is, that it’s written for the freshest newbies of all. I’m mean people who have never tried anything in affiliate marketing, not even buying a single click.

The goal of this guide is to help them make their first $1 online, hence the name of it. It likely won’t make anyone rich or turn a noob into a super sharp affiliate ninja, that’s not even the point. But it will show everyone a way of earning their first piece of revenue in AM. As simple as that.

Since it’s been written quite some time ago, you might be wondering how relevant it is these days… we all know how fast things age in the online world, right? Well, rest assured, it still works just fine, we just had another user start a thread where they shared their results after following it. And there was even a small profit 🙂

Want to test affiliate marketing yourself? The $1 guide is the easiest path you can take and you won’t need more than 10 bucks for it. That’s what I call a micro investment 🙂

>> Preview the thread here <<

Stay tuned for the next edition of MRKTRS WKLY.

Want to offer some feedback or submit content? Email us at [email protected]