2019’s Best Brand Campaigns
Unmetric, a social media analytics company, found the keys to great branding campaigns – messaging with edge, savvy, conviction…and dogs, all won the marketing game.
2019 may have just turned out to be the ‘prophesized’ year of video for marketers.
Videos with memorable storylines, guest appearances and creative approaches reigned supreme on Facebook and Instagram.
On Twitter, images dominated and the following provided the most engagement throughout the year:
– Controversy
– Humour
– One-liners
– Trending topic
– Roasting celebrities and political figures
Unmetric analyzed brand posts month-by-month and scored them between 0 and 1000, with their algos figuring into the ranking and paid (not organic) reach.
The best categories?
1) Social Responsibility
- Gillette’s “The Best a Man Can Be”
2) Satire
3) Anything with animals
Been in the Affiliate Marketing game for a while? You know the industry shifts rapidly – what worked yesterday may not work today.
But some verticals just last forever, they’re called “EVERGREENS” and DATING is one of them!
People can spare a new iPhone, they can live without a solar installation or the new best app for their phone… but who doesn’t want someone by their side?
But this doesn’t mean it’s easy to profit with dating offers!
Let’s hear it from STM’s dating expert Matuloo: “Trying to make it in dating, using the same offers that every affiliate network rebrokers? Good luck! You may as well start throwing money out the window. Dating is one of those verticals where offer means everything, find them or you’re toast. Working directly with the advertiser is the only way at times.”
The good news: there are some solid direct advertisers in dating, that have been around since like… forever. VIPOffers for example are in the TOP league.
- Founded in 1996 (was there even internet back then?)
- $2 billion in commissions paid to affiliates (yes, billion)
- 1000s of offer variations available (goodbye saturation)
- Street payouts start at $3 per SOI lead even on mobile (bumps possible)
- New Landing pages added all the time! Check a sample HERE 🙂
Are you a baller who can drive volume? They’ll even make banners or LPs for you and if that’s not enough, ask for a custom offer and you shall be served.
EN markets can be tough, but to be honest, that’s where the party is at. Master US and UK and you can play Santa next Christmas! VIPOffers can help you along the way, cause they know these markets the best.
And a special bonus: Tired of PPL dating offers? VIPOffers is one of the few dating advertisers that also offer the “CC submit option” … in more than 100 GEOs!
Conquer the world in 2020 with VIPOffers!
These 20 Phrases Shift Your Mindset from Negative to Positive
The Thriveglobal community share their favourite phrases that help them counter a negative mindset, here are a few (try saying them out loud the next time you feel stuck):
“I do not break promises to myself.”
“Perspective counts.”
“Remember why you started.”
“All I can do is enough.”
“No darkness, no season can last forever.”
“Keep going, keep learning, you’re doing great.”
“I heard you, and I’ve got this.”
“Your knowledge is just as valid as anyone else’s.”
Weekly Picks
GEN Z – How to grab Gen Z’s attention as a marketer – they like paying with cash, gaming and are suspicious by nature. ? — Read more
YUM – 7 ways food and drink will change in 2020. West African ingredients, Central European cuisine, plus Disco seems to be back? ? — Read more
TRAVEL – 8 ways travel will change in 2020. Zero footprint, gardens, all-inclusive, and travel clubs are hot again. ? — Read more
CRYPTO – Ten dark secrets of crypto – 59% of ICOs fail, 800 of 1,600 coins are dead, 7 of the top 10 coins will probably die this year…and more! ? — Read more
SHOWERTHOUGHTS – “We live in a world where GTA is a kid’s game and Candy Crush is an adult’s game.” / u/akarim58472
Source: Reddit
Chrome Update To Regulate Push Notifications! Is It The End Of The Format?
We all knew it was coming and there we have it… Google is about to regulate the push notification system in their Chrome browser. The update is expected to be released on February 4, next month.
Will it end the push gold rush? Hard to say yet, but it will definitely change a few things.
So what are the changes about?
- There will be a new “quieter notification UI” that users can enroll in. This will affect the way that the notification are displayed. Later on, it will be turned on for everyone by default, so it seems.
- Chrome will automatically block notification prompts on sites where users rarely accept notifications.
- The new feature will also hide notification requests for users who regularly dismiss notification prompts.
When the notifications get blocked, an icon will be showed in the URL bar, so the users can still opt in if they wish so.
These changes will definitely make it harder to get push subscribers, there are no doubts about this. As a result, push traffic networks will have a hard time to keep up with their current subscribers amounts … this will definitely lead to lower traffic volumes available across all push networks.
The good thing is, the format is here to stay, at least for now. In the end, these regulations might actually lead to higher traffic quality in the push ecosystem and those with quality lists might end up with a more valuable asset.
It’s too soon to make any conclusions here, but changes are coming, let’s see how big impact they’re going to have on the affiliate space. We should known more in a month 🙂
FEATURED STM THREAD: What Do Stm’ers Think About The Upcoming Push Regulations?
The chrome push update, that we already mentioned in this newsletter, naturally became one of the most discussed topic on the STM forum too. No wonder, many forum members are running push traffic and it’s also a very popular traffic type choice for the newbies.
Erik (one of the mods) posted the news on wednesday and the discussion took off really quickly. So far the responses are kinda mixed… some people are scared of the future, but some believe it might actually help the traffic quality in the end.
Let’s admit it, we all knew this was about to happen as the format got literally abused. So the general consensus seems to be a bit positive, since google didn’t decide to kill the format completely. As long as push is alive, there will be ways of profiting from it.
Stay tuned for the next edition of MRKTRS WKLY.
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